Saturday, March 15, 2014

Viva Las Vegas.....

Well Spring Break is here again. After our last year's trip to Palm Springs, we are now making this an annual escape to somewhere warm and sunny. This year we are off to Las Vegas for 3 days and then driving up to the Grand Canyon for a couple more days. Our flight leaves on Sunday afternoon from Bellingham. Our neighbours, Elke and Paul are joining us on this year's adventure. We have taken Steve's sister's advice on our hotel. The Plaza Hotel on Main and Freemont will be our Las Vegas home. With a little luck the pool will be nice for an afternoon dip. The forecast is sunny and almost hot for the next few days in Vegas, which is better than our rain and 10 degrees forecast for the next few days here. Well off to pack and run the last few errands. Looking forward to discovering Las Vegas with our Las Vegas virgin neighbours.

Viva Las Vegas....