Sunday, June 14, 2015

1 day and counting

Well after about two years in the planning, our next great adventure is only one day away. Our flight leaves for Paris on Monday at 14:00. For those who may not know, we are packing up and heading to a small town in France for the summer. We will be leaving for Paris on June 29, spending 4 days in Paris, and then on July 4, we will be driving down to take over a 3 bedroom house in the village of Bellac, France. It is located about 4 hours south west of Paris,  on the River Vincou,
Cafe on the river bank
between Limoges and Poitiers. To the south of us is the Bordeaux wine region and to the north is the Loire Valley wine region, which also has the landscape dotted with Châteaux.  We won't be alone as family and friends will be passing through, throughout the summer. We have a menagerie of friends and family joining us for short and some not so short lengths of time.

We are looking forward to improving our French, learning how to relax as we edge nearer retirement, seeing and soaking in the culture of France, and having a great summer. Hikes, lakes, wineries, châteaux, Medieval ruins et plus will keep us busy and active. We might even find time to head to the beautiful beaches along the Atlantic coast.