Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bellac, Week One

Wednesday, March 16:

Well here we are at 2:14 am on Tuesday, March 15. Wide-awake when only five hours ago we couldn’t stay awake driving along the A20 to Bellac. It was a long 24 hours to get here, but all went well. The KLM flight to Amsterdam was smooth, the connection to our Air France to Paris flight was very seamless and even picking up the Enterprise rental car at Charles de Gaul was painless. ( see last year with our adventures with Eurocar) The drive down here was a bit longer than we had realized. We did avoid the confusing Paris Boulevard Peripherique traffic by taking a slightly wider loop around the city and we did stop a few times to rest and refresh and even took a tour along the A10 instead of the A71. This is what happens when the navigator has to drive and navigate. We also planned to stop at a grocery store to pick up some first night essentials, sparkling wine, croissants, brie, a kettle and a sheet for the fouton. On arrival, it was déjà vu driving up past the pub (not open yet this season) and across the railroad tracks and then finally the last right-turn onto rue Traversiere. We parked in front of our garage, where the real estate agent had hidden the keys. Once we figured out how to open the garage door, it didn’t take long to find the keys and then across the street to cross the threshold for the first time. I had braced myself for viewing it empty. It wasn’t as quaint had our last viewing, but this time it was ours. It took a while to figure a few things out like the front door lock, finding the water valve, turning up the heat, etc…. 
A quick call to our estate agent got the water figured out and then it just took time to figure out the rest of the quirky nature of the house. Every time something new came up, I headed to the living room to check out the millon euro view just to calm myself. We decided to call it a night around 11:00 and hoped that everything looks better in the morning. The first night essentials weren’t touched except for the sheet for the fouton. 
Vern dans la cuisine. 
We made the bed with the new sheet and a crocheted blanket from Steve’s sister. Not quite designed for early spring evenings in France. A low of 0 degrees is expected, after a mostly sunny day. It was great to see all the stars that we remember from last summer. Well we did get some sleep, but the cold woke us up, so we decided to go with the flow. And things did begin to look up. We found the adapters plugs for our computer and phones, added the phone and internet plan for Steve’s iphone, made some coffee, and started to get some things settled. So even though it is only 2:44 am, things are looking brighter (although it is still dark outside). Tomorrow, well later today, we expect the first furniture delivery, talk to Orange to set up the internet and get to work on the to-do list. Now to try a bit more sleep and then get set for a busy day.

Well not much sleep last night, but the sun is rising and it is the start of a new day. Our first petit dejeuner of croissants and coffee got the day off to a good start. I checked out the back yard and le abri (garden shed). It was chock a block full of new and old garden tools. I am the proud owner of at least 2 tondeuses à gazon (lawn mowers). While I was playing Eddie Albert from Green Acres, Steve was busy on the phone. He contacted Orange, and someone forgot to order the “box” which was supposed to be waiting at the local Bureau de Poste. So now we are limited internet wise until peut-être (maybe) vendredi we hope. We did hear from Maisons du Monde that the delivery of the deux canapés (couches) would arrive entre 11hr et 13hr, which gave us just enough time to run to the grocery store.

Notre table de cuisine. 
Les deux canapés (couches) arrived and all we had to do was put on the legs. The delivery guys took them upstairs, unpacked them and took away the plastic and cardboard. We set them up and rescued a relatively stylish area rug from the attic and now have the beginnings of our new living room. After lunch, we headed out for some more shopping. We encountered some issues with the lock on the front door, and with the help of a neighbour, we think we have figured out how to lock the front door. The other issues we need to address are the mailbox won’t open and the lock to our shutter door had to be cut so the agent could get in. Not big things, but things to keep us busy. 

Our shopping trip out took us to Brico Marché for hardware and garden ideas, and then the Eco-mart for housewares and a last stop at the second hand store where we found a cute chair and a breadboard for only 11.50. This was followed by a stroll through town to check out some new shops and of course our favourite boulangerie for dessert tonight. Our first almost real dinner was lasagna, served with bread and a nice bottle of red. We were only missing a table. Maybe tomorrow.

We woke from a great night sleep at about 6:30 am. The new duvet was much better than just the blanket. Also, the house is warmer as yesterday was a warm sunny day, and we had the heat on all day. Today we had a busy day ahead. The electrician, Hedley came and Ikea delivered 2 bedrooms worth of stuff and a kitchen table. Every thing went as planned. No drama. Once the Ikea arrived, we busied ourselves making beds, night tables, chairs and a table, while our electricians worked on upgrading our fuse box, some new wiring up in the attic, and getting our hot water tank working. 
Once the final chair was assembled, I took all the cardboard across the street to our garage until we find a place where we can recycle it. We escaped to the living room to read through the pile of fliers delivered today as the electricians continued up in the attic. After the electricians finished for the day, we headed out for our daily grocery run. Coming home, we found out the handle of the front door wouldn't work, and we were locked out. A phone call to our estate agent brought help. She was lucky to contact a iron worker, and he agreed to help. It started a series of events, which are still not finalized as I write this on Sunday night. He got lost trying to find us, and somehow found the unofficial English mayor of our neighbourhood, who came down to introduce himself. Thierry had to go back to get a part, and Ron invited us up to his and Jean's place to keep warm, dry and hydrated (beer in other words). Thierry returned to announce that the door was open with a temporary fix. What a relief! So even though it put a scare into us, we met our new neighbours and they would come in handy later..... The night ended with a quick supper and off to bed. 

We tried the next day to buy a new handle at the local Brico mart (Home) depot like, but we couldn't figure out how to take it apart. We checked in with Thierry to pay him for the service call, and he said that he would come by after work to see what he could do to improve the fix. Mean while we have been to many local stores furnishing the house with sheets, toaster ovens etc... . We even stopped at McDonalds for lunch and to get our email. Orange was supposed to be here by Friday.

To be continued....

Blogger doesn't handle pictures well, so sorry they are a little scattered. I will keep learning. Also, the fonts and sizes are all out of whack too, sorry Ce n'est pas moi. 

(I started writing this as a journal, and now that we finally have internet, I am finally posting it, I hope you all enjoy)