Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Open for the summer.

Well it is now May, and our France house is open and welcoming our first visitors without us.
Robert getting new veggies for our garden.

Our Australian friends have flown around the world to enjoy our oasis in south/central France. It is strange to see pictures of the house without us in them, but we are so glad that we have finally been able to repay Robert and Tric. They loaned us the use of their camper van to tour around southern Australia way back 6 years ago. They appear to be settling well and we can't wait to hear about their adventures in our other neighbourhood once they get over the jet lag from their long journey. You can link to their blogs here:


Robert and Tric are just the first of a string of visitors this summer. June brings Steve's nephew and niece and their families for a week visit. In July just as I arrive our good friend Heather and her friend Marion arrive for a week. By the second week of July we will have some down time to do some travel around France ourselves. Bordeaux and Normandy are high on our list for the summer.
The back deck garden is taking shape.