Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Le printemps est arrivé, bien en quelque sort

A pre-boarding snack at the lounge.
Well we have made it back to our French home. After a long cool winter, the house has made it through unscathed. Our trip started on Sunday, March 18. After an enjoyable few hour stay at the Sky Team lounge at the Vancouver Airport, we were on our Air France flight to Paris. Just before take off, the pilot mentioned that it was snowing in Paris at the present time. Nine hours and 4 movies and a nap later, we discovered he was correct. While the roads were clear, the rental car was covered in snow, and it still was trying to snow. This was not weather we associate with Paris usually. Before we picked up the car, we met Steve's sister Donna, and her friend Denise from their Toronto flight which arrived in a different terminal. We quickly loaded up the car to get out of the cold chill, and got on the road. As with driving in and around Paris, it is not as easy as the GPS might make it sound. We had a route planned to keep to the east of the city following the N104, but it starts off as the N1104, then along the N2, next the A104 and keep left to the A4 and finally exit to the N104 until it intersects with the A10. Well this last exit was a problem in that we missed it, and continued then along the A4 to the A86 which was all backed up with 5 lanes of traffic, and finally the A10 which is the main highway to the south of France.  Even that is not simple as it changes to the A72 then the A20 as it branches off to other various exotic French places such as Bordeaux or Lyon. Five hours and a few cups of coffee later we arrived at the nearby grocery store to stock up on a few supplies.

Denise, Vern and Donna in La Dorat.

Our first major task was to warm up the house and to make sure we had plenty to eat and drink. With it being vacant since before Christmas, it needed the electric radiators turned up to full for a while. We even blew a fuse using so much electricity to keep it warm. Tuesday brought the delivery of two portable electric heaters for the attic which was room to Donna and Denise and had no heat yet except for the fact that hot air rises. It was in sharp contrast to Wednesday's delivery of patio furniture which we put together, but it is still in the garage waiting for the weather to break. Some time in June at the rate we are going this year. After a week we can now keep the heaters at 5 instead of the 10 on the dial as the house is slowly warming up. I have even heard "It's too hot...".

Vern, Donna and Denise in Montmorillon
We have taken the girls out for some short day trips, two church maximum. Monday's was along the Richard the Lion Heart route to the south of us, seeing some castles and chateaux.

Everyday has been accented with good food and plenty to drink. Naps have become a necessity along with sleeping in. It is such a quiet pace in the Spring, much different from the summer. We had no major projects to do this spring and the only thing we had to so was to go to the tax office and change our Canadian address so they can mail our next tax bill in the fall. This was quite easy as the woman at the desk was very friendly and helpful, which wasn't the case the last time we were in the office.

CS Bellac Rugby
We had Steve's friend, Laure, over for a lovely dinner and catch up on Saturday night. Our English neighbours have arrived as well for the Easter week. We will have to meet up for drinks some time this week to catch up with them as well. On Sunday afternoon we were off to the rugby match, Bellac vs Dampniat. We won 17 to 16. It was the big rugby 7's at BC Place, but it was a fun community event.

Today is our first real rainy day, as we made it out before lunch to do a few errands and shopping, but the drizzle has turned to rain, so we are in for the afternoon. I hear there are plans for Yahtzee and puzzles. Sort of like a wet weekend anywhere in the world.

Well fast forward to the next morning, and the puzzle is still being worked on. It is a puzzle of the cover of the Sargent Peppers album. The puzzling continues as the drizzle continues outside. It was full contact puzzling as we now need to repair one of the kitchen chairs.

Denise, Donna and Vern at Château de Montbrun.

Château de Brie
Denise and Donna at Château de Châlus-Maulmont
All of us at Château de Montbrun
Denise and Donna at Château de Rochechouart