Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ma Retraite

From the old America group song: "I been one poor correspondent, and I been two, too hard to find, but it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind". In fact I have been feeling guilty that I haven't published anything lately. I am finding that doing nothing is very time consuming and there is always a different nothing to do instead of what I should be doing. The days are blending together and I need to refer to the calendar to see what day it really is. So below is the blog that I started a few times and have had to edit to keep it current. 

Even though it has been two and a half months since I last worked and I have received two pension cheques, Ma Retraite Officielle began back on Tuesday, September 3. This was the first first Tuesday of September for the last 30 years that I was not heading back to school in some way shape or form. (With the exception of my year off and we were on our way to China that day). 

For the past 4 years on the Saturday or Sunday of the Labour Day weekend, I would be packing up for a mid-day train back to Charles de Gaulle airport for a flight home to Vancouver. 
Getting ready for going
back.....for a nap.

This year on Labour Day Sunday, we headed our for Steve's birthday lunch to a small restaurant in a small village near by. We had heard that it is run by a British woman and her French Canadian husband. 
(As we were leaving after a very nice lunch, we found out from Rachel, that her husband is not French Canadian after all, He was born in Montreal from Australian parents and lived in Yorkshire. All reviews are excellent as is ours. The entrée and dessert were splendid as was the service and the quaint French village ambiance. The frites of the steak/frites were excellent as well, but we weren't fussy about the steak. We will be back to try other things on the menu.) Labour Monday afternoon we were at the garden store, Gamm Vert, for a few more perennials to fill in the garden. They are on sale, as the end of the summer is ahead. The "Foire aux Vins" at the grocery store also starts tomorrow, so we will pick up a few cases. The sale is buy four and get two free. Heaven!

Plans for Tuesday were to plant the new perennials, head off to French Class, and then home for a drink on the terrace. This would be at 8:00 am on the west coast, just as everyone else is off to class. I have heard that there are a few glitches in the opening of the new Peter Ewart Middle School. This school was the result of the overcrowding of Yorkson Creek, and I was involved in getting the library and texts books ready for the new school. The job was much bigger than anyone planned, and then I hear the woman who was hired as the new librarian for Peter Ewart, has taken a different job. 
Tracy and me.

So now the only one who was involved in all the logistics is my former Library Technician, Tracy. I feel that I have left her in the lurch. One day at a time Tracy. I am not sure what my price would be to come back and help out, but I know that the school board couldn't afford it...

So Tuesday wasn't quite as emotional or historic as I thought it might be. It was just another day in paradise. We did hear some bad news from our French teacher, who due to health issues will have to step down. The Famille Rurale, the organization which sponsors  the class is attempting to find a replacement. The worst thing is that we won't be here for his last lesson, as we are on our way to Munich for Octoberfest.

Later in the week we have an airport run for our neighbour Clare, who is off to Scotland for a week. This is just to the local airport in Limoges, which is only about 35 minutes away.  This favour also includes cat sitting for her while she is gone. With my birthday coming up the Friday, we are also making plans for another meal out, this time at the local Ô Bell Accueil. A local favourite. Also in town this week is the Tech Ovin fair. It is the trade fair for sheep and everything you wanted to know about raising them, shearing them, and eating them (or at least slaughtering them to be eaten). There are 60 workshops on all ranges of the farming of sheep. Sheep farmers from all over Europe are here for the two days. We will wander the grounds on Thursday to see what 's up. I would like to see the sheep dog demonstrations.

Baby sheep
We we did wander around the the sheep fair, but missed the sheep dogs. The trade show really demonstrated how important the farming industry is to the local economy. Since then the hot weather has returned and outside activities need to be accomplished in the morning or after sun set. With reading, studying French, gardening, walking, shopping and doing nothing in particular, we have filled our days. This past Sunday, was our town's vide grenier. This is the first year I have been in Bellac for it. I was surprised with how many people were wandering along the river banks looking at other people's cast offs. Even though we enjoy the quiet life, it is always nice to be part of a crowd from time to time.This was the first year Steve did not buy anything at the vide. I guess I said, "Where are we going to put that?", a few too many times.

New bar cabinet
This week we are clearing up some loose ends getting ready for our trip to Munich for Octoberfest on Monday. It is about a 10 hour drive to Munich, so we are splitting it up with a stop in Besançon, France to visit the Citadel and the Resistance Museum and then on the drive home in Vittel, France to enjoy the hot springs. We will have two full days in Munich to raise a beer or two or three. I need to get my elbow in shape for this. I also need to find my lederhosen, and practice my Prost and oans, zwoa, drei, g'suffa!

Our soon to be woodburning stove

On return home, we have a visit from the fireplace/chimney expert to explain the hole in our wall and to see if it is feasible and safe to hook up the wood burning stove Steve bought. So until our return, Auf Wiedersehen!