Sunday, July 16, 2017

Les Potins

As we continue to settle into the small town France lifestyle, we have come to a realization that a fair share of our conversations include our neighbours. Anytime we hear a commotion out on the street we are drawn to the window or doorway as if there is some sort of magnetic pull. Where is the neighbour's wife and daughter, are our other neighbours out for their morning or evening stroll with their dog, who are the new father/son in #1 Rue Andrè Brissiaud, who owns the two barking dogs down our street, even Barry and his wife, who haven't even arrived fit into our speculation about the Faubourg Chapterie. The small things in life our now what keep us going. The arrival of the new vacuum in the post today was a cause for celebration. We finally had the opportunity to talk to and introduce ourselves to Carl and Samantha, who live in the little house by the train tracks. He has offered his supply of tools if there is anything we need. We will have to sweet talk him as the two trees that are going to be obscuring our view are on his property. Hopefully he has a saw to at least trim the tops of them. Also, we briefly chatted with the English owners of the house we rented two summers ago, Janet and Chris. They are the ones are responsible for us making the leap across the ocean. Nice to meet them after only dealing with them online. After gardening, I was sitting out on the back terrace listening to Wimbeldon on the radio, who would have thought...

While not much happens in our small town, July 13 and 14 are one of the exceptions. Bastille Day is the highlight of the year. It starts on the eve of the big day with a big fireworks display and followed by the firefighters party. This year as last, we watched the fireworks from our little deck with our friends, Linda and Andrew. After the smoked cleared we headed down the hill to the party. With wine only a euro, we continued where we had left off back up in the house. It was a great evening as we we bumped into Janet and Chris  again, and they introduced us to their friends, Audrey and her husband, who introduced us to a Canadian, Christopher and his Irish wife Barbara and his mother, from Cambridge, Ontario.  Our circle is becoming larger. We will see Christopher again on Sunday afternoon as he is performing some of his music, along with cover tunes at the pub. The evening continued with several glasses of euro wine and dancing and just a whole lot of small town French fun. We returned home for a night cap and a late bed time.
Night Cap

Friday started a little slowly. After a night of wine drinking, we were both a little under the weather. But after a lie in and we got out for a walk through the farmers fields to a mill site just out of town. We found a place in the shade overlooking the river and a small homestead. We watched the farmer feed his donkeys with a little orphaned duckling following him where ever he went. He came out to ask us if we had see un chat gris who I guessed hadn't return home. The day ended with more drinks with our neighbours before they flew back to England. We are turning into quite social butterflies.

Saturday was a day with a mission. We needed to get to the bank to order more cheques because we either misplaced the few we had left or forgot them back at home. This wasn't a difficult job, as the young man at the bank's English filled in any gaps in my French.
Sitting down by the river.
The difficult thing was we needed a cheque right now. He understood and was able to make out the cheque. Success. The cheque was important as we had reserved a car at the local grocery store for next week. They require a security cheque be left until we return. Since we had already booked the hotel rooms and it was too late to cancel the car without a penalty, the cheque the bank wrote for us was well worth the service charge.

A quiet country lane.
We are off to Bordeaux for a few days, only about a 2.5 hour drive from here. Then on to the largest sand dune in Europe, as we head north along the Atlantic coast to La Rochelle for a two nights in a seaside town. On Friday morning we will head back here to Bellac to get caught up on any gossip, potins, that we might have missed while we were away.

As we put the final touches on this week's blog, we realize that we will have to do a better taking pictures, so just be patient with us.  We also want to publish a new blog at least every Saturday. I think if I set a deadline, I might actually get something done. Which reminds me, the plumber is coming next week for the water tank, and we found a contractor who is going to look at what he might be able to do for our back deck so there will at least be some pictures of our short trip and of the new water tank to look forward to. The tentative date for the new deck is sometime in August so for those of you planning a visit next summer, it will be already for you.
A local farm.

Steve's latest purchases


Riv Vincou

Monday, July 10, 2017

La très bonne vie!

We had four goals for our summer of 2017.
1) repair the water heater leak
2) plan what to do with the back patio/yard/deck
3) eat out a bit more
4) speak more French

My Lunch in Montrol Senard
Well we are well on our way to tackling #1 and #3. Yesterday,  Gary, our plumber, came by to look at the water tank leak and made a diagnosis of its future or lack of a future. We will be leak free in a week or so. He is like a typical contractor and we can't pin him down to an exact date but there are only so many English speaking plumbers in this part of France, so we don't rock the bateau. As with #3, we have had 3 excellent lunches out with our guests, Marion and Heather. The first lunch was at Le Palais right here in Bellac. Even though Google rates it only 1.5 stars, we had a very nice lunch with salads and croque-monsieurs with an excellent side of frites. They were very good and the service was good as well. It was a nice shady lunch on a hot day. Day two was a step up at La Table du Lavoir in Montrol Senard, a small village near by. This was a bit of a gourmet lunch with excellent service and delicious food. We wish we were hungrier, as we only had an entrèe, the plats looked excellent, and the lemon pie was a bit hit. Wednesday took us to Limoges and the heat drove us into Le Versailles restaurant. This air-conditioned restaurant was typical French, and we had the 3 course menu, gazpacho or patè for the entrèe, beef or fish for the plat, and then chocolate mousse or a soufflé wrapped in a crepe. It was a delicious treat. 

Steve's Dessert
Our gourmand tour continued on Friday for dinner. We have heard about the Creperie du Vincou since we have been coming to Bellac. This was our first venture inside. We now wonder why we waited so long. The selection went way beyond crepes, and we discovered that they are famous for their meats. Steaks and lamb were cooked to perfection and served with either your choice of poivre or bèarnaise sauce and of course avec frites. The quiche entrèe was mouthwatering and the tarte au apricots was a big hit. Steve tried a crepe with cheese, ham and potatoes for his entrèe and it was a hit as well, but just a bit too big for an entrée. We left the restaurant feeling full and satisfied but still very hot.... With each meal the deliciousness increased as did the temperature....

As with all good things in life there must be change. Well our change was our guests had to move on. Marion and Heather left on Saturday morning for Mont St. Michel, Caen and then Amsterdam and we were left eating on our own.  These two excellent guests set the bar very high for those of you who follow. We thank all of our guests who brought a small token gift from home to leave as a reminder for us of their visit, and so far the gifts have been very practical, and some we're not sure if they are new or our age is showing :-).
We love the Australian mugs (for our morning coffee) and plates, the wine tumblers (hope we don't wear them out) and the stylish shopping bags.
Steve, Heather and Vern
Marion and Steve

Heather and Marion
Their departure did allow us to take care of a few things, like get a new washing machine. Steve had done some shopping on line to get some ideas and prices, but our neighbour recommended a stop in the local appliance store before we did anything. Well later that same afternoon, we walked our of the shop proud new owners of a lave-linge. When we got home we had to get ready for the same afternoon delivery. This meant taking out the old machine. As we took the hose off the machine, we realized that someone turned off the water, and then it struck us that this might be the problem. We quickly called back the shop to hold the delivery, and ran a quick cycle with the water on, but the same problem. So it was back on the phone and told them we were ready for the the new machine. The young man was quickly here with the new machine, which we carried down the hall into place. He set it up for us, and in our Frenglish he explained the workings of the lave-linge. Not only did he deliver the new machine, he took away the old machine. Great service and if you are ever in need of an appliance in this neighbourhood, we would highly recommend Pulsat.

Now with a few loads of laundry cleaned, dried and put away, the storms rolled in. Saturday's l'orage was more le tonnerre and l'eclair, while Sunday's had beaucoup de la pluie aussi. I did get into the garden to begin the weeding amid the storms and now we have a better idea of what we have. The tomatoes are coming along very well, ready to pick one or two that are ripening on the vine nicely. There are many more right behind. We have figured out how to pick lettuce and the stems left behind are now filling up with nice leafy greens. There are some peppers, cucumbers and strawberries growing well. Our next challenge will be to discover new ways to harvest and preserve the vegetables of our labour. Thanks to Rob and Tric for getting it all started back in May.

Our plans are for a short getaway next week to Bordeaux, highly recommended by Heather and Marion, and then a day at the beach in La Rochelle. We just have to make sure we work around our plumber's busy schedule. Like the soup Nazi, we don't want to upset him. We are also having our second annual Bastille Day fireworks party on Thursday evening. There is an excellent view of the feux d'artifice from our balcon.

So la bonne vie passes slowly and peacefully here in Bellac. Steve is just out the door for the first of his country walks, and I sit here writing but the weeds won't wait.....

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Nous sommes ici!

Steve at the pub.
Well it is now Sunday, July 2 at just after 8:00 in the evening, or should I say 20 h et nous sommes ici. Not only are we here, we have prepared the house for our guests who arrive tomorrow, chatted with our friends, Linda and Andrew, who also keep care of the house while we aren't here, had a few pints at the pub, and enjoyed the concert of a duo playing an eclectic mix of music. It doesn't take much to slip back into the life of Bellac. We even had a nap this afternoon, but that might have something to do with the jet lag. 

The jet lag was a result of a Canada Day from hell. I left Port Coquitlam around 10:20 am on Friday and took a bus, sky train, another bus and then Canada Line to get to the airport. Steve left Waterloo about the same time 1:00 pm, with a 2 hour drive on the 401 on an Airways van. His flight was Air France direct to Paris and I was on a KLM flight to Amsterdam and then a connecting flight to Paris. We spent Canada arriving in Europe. While I breezed through

customs and on to my connecting flight, Steve spent 1.5 hours waiting in the customs line in Paris. This cut down on the time waiting for me, but my connecting flight was 20 minutes late. We met at the luggage carrousel through a hole in the security wall as if I was in prison. I gave Steve the details of our rental car, and by the time my bag came around the carrousel and got out to the cars, he had the keys and we were on our way.  Planes, Trains, Cars, Buses, and Vans II. 

So now it is almost 3:00 pm on Saturday, and we  up the GPS, and were on our way for the 5 hour drive to Bellac. You have to remember that Steve had no sleep on his flight, and I think I slept for a few hours, so the prospects of sleep were quite real. We made it out of the airport, and found the A104. By the time we passed the first gas station pull over, we pulled over for a quick nap, well Steve napped and I got a drink and some chips. The next stop, we changed drivers and with a snoring passenger, I set off. Later I started feeling a little sleepy and at one of the many rest stops, aires, we switched drivers again. Further down the toll highway, Steve needed a nap and we both slept for a while. After waking up, surprised that I even fell asleep, I asked the GPS where the closest motel was and programmed the stop. Before setting off, we went into the shops, and realized that Red Bull and a coffee might be the answer to our problems, and what a solution. This took us all the way for the next hour and a half to Bellac. A less expensive choice to a hotel room, and we did get home safely to sleep in our own bed.

Our first day was spent getting the feel for the house again, and waiting for the store to open. We discovered that our washing machine was making all the right noises, but not going through any motions. The towels we heavy with water after several spins. This meant a trip to the laundrette where we meet a nice Scottish woman who showed us how the French run a laundry. We chatted about washing machine repair with her, and this might be an option. We apologize to our guests who might have found the washing machine quite ineffective when they tried to use it. We are presently shopping for a new washer during the summer sales. 

After a nap for a couple of hours in the afternoon.

(Sorry but blogger and my computer are acting up, and so is my back, but I wanted to get something up and running. Keep checking back as I hope I can remaster how it all works very soon....)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Open for the summer.

Well it is now May, and our France house is open and welcoming our first visitors without us.
Robert getting new veggies for our garden.

Our Australian friends have flown around the world to enjoy our oasis in south/central France. It is strange to see pictures of the house without us in them, but we are so glad that we have finally been able to repay Robert and Tric. They loaned us the use of their camper van to tour around southern Australia way back 6 years ago. They appear to be settling well and we can't wait to hear about their adventures in our other neighbourhood once they get over the jet lag from their long journey. You can link to their blogs here:

Robert and Tric are just the first of a string of visitors this summer. June brings Steve's nephew and niece and their families for a week visit. In July just as I arrive our good friend Heather and her friend Marion arrive for a week. By the second week of July we will have some down time to do some travel around France ourselves. Bordeaux and Normandy are high on our list for the summer.
The back deck garden is taking shape.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

It is now Thursday, March 16 just after lunch. Today, we have already been for a walk around the village, tried to feed the goats, but the bamboo must have been off as they refused to eat, spent time weeding the garden, working on the accounts and now doing some writing. The sun is shinning and it is about 20 degrees. We are even going to hang out the sheets on the line, once the washing machine is finished with them. While our upstairs deck doesn't get any spring sun, the lower garden by the shed is a sun trap at this time of year. Yesterday afternoon we enjoyed a few cold ones while we enjoyed the warm sunshine. I am sure we will make a return visit down there later today.

With Steve off to a friend's place, I still have some of the garden to weed. Even after 2 days now, there is still more to weed.  I haven't even started the on the vegetable garden. It is in need of a major overhaul, and with this unseasonably warm weather, I will take advantage of it. Well I was still weeding and edging on Friday at 4:00 pm. It's still not finished, but with a bit of luck we will have at least one nice day next week to garden. We started our Saint Patrick's day weekend with a Kilkenny beer!  Saturday we are off to Tours and the Loire valley.

Well I don't know where the time goes, it is now Tuesday morning. We had a great weekend away. Our trip took us due north to the Loire Valley and Tours. Our first stop was in a small town called La Blanc. We visited the market, wandered along the banks of La Creuse river and had a warming Grande Creme (cafe au lait) in a busy bar/barsserie. From there we continued up north to St. Aignan which is on the banks of Le Cher river. From here we headed west to Tours. The area is dotted with old châteaux and vineyards.

Our hotel was located in a shopping area of Tours Nord. It was easy to find and for the price, it was a great place to stay. Plenty of restaurants and shops within walking distance. Also, the tram into downtown Tours was just across the street. Since our trip was 2 fold, the shopping came in handy. Some linens, art supplies, clothes and house goods were on the list.

After a great breakfast at our hotel, we took the tram into Tours Centre. While Sunday is not always a great day to see a town, we enjoyed our wander. Three hours later, we had found our way from the train station, through the indoor market, the old parts of town, the walls, the famous churches, and a few gardens as well. It is a nice compact city, and if the weather had been a bit warmer, the walks along the Loire River looked great too. A quick stop back at the hotel to pick up the car, we headed east into the Loire Valley to check out a château. There are hundreds of them, so picking one was a big deal. We checked out various lists of the top 10 châteaux of the valley, and we had already been to the number one on some lists, Château de Chenonceau, and we didn't want to drive too far, so Amboise Château Royal was in the top five, so it was our destination of choice.

While a smaller château, only about 20% is still standing, it is where it is standing that makes the château so stunning. Perched on the cliffs overlooking the Loire Valley, you can see why this location has been inhabited since Neolithic times. The château is steeped in French Royal history. We discovered that it was the burial place of Leonardo de Vinci. The French royalty was intrigued by the Renaissance, and brought Leonardo to France. He loved it here so much, he wanted to buried at Amboise.

Monday was a shopping morning getting new sheets for two inflatable bed for up coming guests, a few things from Ikea, and some stylish French fashions for us. We hopped on the toll highway and were home from Tours in about 2 hours.

Today, Tuesday was our first full day of rain this trip. We spent the day doing some laundry, getting our user guide for the house up to date. There are sure a lot of special instructions for a 100 year old house. Our big task today was to go to the tax office and ask about our property taxes. I had written out several questions and statements to at least get them to understand our problem. We have been in the house for over a year, and have not had a tax bill. We knew the previous owners paid them for last year, but we were getting worried about this year. The nice receptionist read through the statements till the last one where I asked if anyone here spoke English. She directed us to the clerk on the second (third) floor who was able to help us. When he checked his computer, the previous owners were still listed. He said it takes a while to get the information from the notary so they can update their records. The good news is we are now able to wait until September before we get a tax notice.

We have posted pictures of the weekend away on the previous posting.

The rest of the week will be gardening if the weather improves, a trip into Limoges, a small dinner party, and then sadly preparing to head home. We will have to make the most of the remaining days. I really shouldn't have left my marking of an English essay until now. I think a good reason to drink some wine. By the way, we stocked up on 3 litre boxes of wine at our grocery store. The sale was buy 2 and get 1 free. You can't beat that!

A bientôt!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Tours France

Spring in France

Vern in Amboise Château Royal

Tours Cathedral

Tours Cathedral

Amboise Château Royal

Moat of Amboise Château Royal

Gate at Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Leonardo da Vinci's Burial Place

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise village

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Ambrosia from Château

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

St. Hubert Chapel at Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Ambrosia from Château

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Amboise Château Royal

Ramp up to Amboise Château Royal

Clock tower in Amboise

Amboise Château Royal

Tours garden

Tours city hall 


See the tree below.

le cèdre du Liban 213 years old

Tours art museum

Tours art museum

Tours Cathedral

Old Tours

Old Tours


Cathedral in Tours

Académie de la Biére

Tours Cathedral

Old Tours

Old Tours

Display in Tours Market

Old Tours

Le Monstre in Vieux Tours

Vieux Tours

Vieux Tours



Old palace

Old Palace

Street art in Tours

Very old Tours

Spring in Tours

Gare de Tours

Gare de Tours

La Blanc village

La Blanc village

La Blanc village

La Blanc Village

La Creuse 

A chilly La Blanc

Canoe shoot on La Creuse

La Blanc

Us on the banks of La Creuse

La Crueuse

WWI memorial in La Blanc