Sunday, July 27, 2008

Northern Ireland/Galway

Well it is now Sunday evening and we are in Galway, back in the Republic of Ireland. It was amazing to see both Derry and Belfast. Even with the peace, you can still see the reminders of the divide between the two religons. After a mix up at the hostels, we had to stay in a very low class place. Even the seasoned travelors felt that it was the worst hostel they had stayed in. Tonight we are in a great place and the feeling on the tour has changed 180 degrees. We had a great tour today of Yeat's grave, an afternoon on the beach and a nice drive from Belfast to Galway. Tonight we are all pitching in for a group dinner here in the hostel, and then out to take advantage of the party town of Galway. The hostel is right in the centre of town. Well while I am updating the blog, I am updating my gallery. Check out the 220 new pictures. It will take a while to get the captions written, but I will do my best.

Till later Vern

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