Thursday, August 7, 2014

Staycation 2014

After a recess from writing, I thought it best to get back on the proverbial horse and reactivate our travel blog. You might think that we are jetting off on an exiting getaway, but we are now just past the half-way mark of my staycation,
Seaking the shade on Ambleside Beach 
I say my because Steve is still working about 2 days a week, while I'm off until at least September 2 and that could be the subject of another blog. After Christmas in New York and then a Spring Break in Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon in the near past, and Christmas in Florida in the near future, it seemed like a good idea to stay close to home for the summer. Even a  short return visit to the Sunshine Coast that we enjoyed last summer fell through, so we thought it must be in our tea leaves that the backyard was the place for us this summer. We are planning to make up for this staycation next summer, as we have already put down a deposit on a house in Bellac, France for the two months. More about those plans later. New patio furniture and excellent weather has turned our back deck into our new living room, and our even newer barbeque has turned it into our second kitchen. Since there is no place like home, Steve thought his mum would enjoy a visit out west from her home in Waterloo, Ontario, and she has been our guest since early July. We have had day trips to Belcarra, White Rock, the Vancouver beaches, and West Vancouver to enjoy the sunshine, scenery and the mother-son bonding. At home the two of them, well mainly Jean, has been painting up a storm. 
In her West Coast Studio
So the summer has past with the sounds of Martini In the Morning on the stereo, some gardening, a few trashy summer reads as well as some more substantial literature such as Romeo and Juliet. It seemed like a good plan to teach it to our grade 8s in the fall back in June, but it could be very interesting....  The peace and serenity of our own little Giverny is about to be invaded by even more family. A family tree might be helpful, but 4 generations of the Michalek family will be landing this Saturday. Two of Jean's daughters, Donna and Victoria, two of Jean's grand kids, Paul and Evie along with their spouses and 3 great-grand children will turn our little garden oasis into 3 ring circus. It is fortunate that Evelyn, Jean's youngest daughter, lives just through the forest and across the creek from us, as wel,l her partner Kevin, has an apartment in the building right next door to our complex. He will vacate his apartment and bunk in with Evelyn and our cat Puffin, who is on her own summer camp adventure, Jean is allergic to cats. This frees up two bedrooms and a den for our out of towners. A week of sunshine is in the forecast and the beach, parks, pool, picnics are on the agenda. 


Tops said...

Thanks for the email Vern.
It sounds like the usual full on family extravaganza!
Will be very keen to read your next adventure in a France.
We are in Bowen, Queensland with the usual blog...the last with a koala the likes of which you will have never seen.

Brian said...

Good to hear from you, Vern, and glad to hear that all is well. We are also on a staycation this summer, as we are recovering from our oldest son's wedding last weekend. We will probably take off next week - not Europe, but most likely Portland which neither of us have visited in at least ten years! We should get together soon.

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun . . . we're on our way over as we speak!

Have fun guys!

Mary MP said...

Just back from one of my summer adventures...a wedding in Barrie... Great to find this blog...Ain't family grand!!...
I loved the photo of Steve's mom in her "studio"...lots of love there...enjoy the laughter and company and the,m