Monday, July 31, 2017

plus tard

Our two new friends.
Today is the first day we have woken up to rain. The weather here has been unsettled, but we have never had a day with steady rain. We have always been able to get out and about. Even yesterday we walked to the garden store and grocery store, did some gardening, cleaned up in front of the garage, and even went out for an evening stroll down to the river. It looks like a day to study some more French, catch up on the blog, some cleaning and do some reading. Not such a tough day since the sun will come out tomorrow. The kittens are getting bigger. While there were 4 of them when we arrived, we now only have 2 regulars for breakfast and again dinner. We hear that the mother has been run over, so they are orphans, but are part of a community here in the Chapterie.

After starting this blog earlier in the week, I can't even remember what day I was writing that first paragraph, but not much has happened since then. We have settled into our routines of nice simple daily life. The highlight of the week was our small dinner party with Steve's friend, Laure. We had an delicious meal starting with a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta cheese, followed by pasta with moules and pesto, and it was concluded with homemade and homegrown rhubarb crumble. The dinner was delicious but it was a lot of work, not only for Steve in the preparation, but the evening was like a 3.5 hour French class. Laure speaks a little English, and we speak a little French, so we all worked hard to communicate but we all learned a bit more of each other's language. We are getting together again in August at Laure's apartment to meet her daughter and enjoy another French lesson. Along with our simple daily life, Sunday was haircut day. Last year we bought a shaver for beard and hair trimming. While there are several hair salons in town, living the simple life calls for home hair cuts. My hair was growing quite wild, so I was the first in the chair this year. Sitting on the back deck with my shirt off, Steve was just getting started when all the neighbours came out into their gardens. Normally we see no one until the one time we would have liked to have the garden to ourselves. Needless to say we finished the trim in the bathroom. The results were surprisingly good, and I didn't even need to tip.

Popping its top!
As I might have mentioned we are awaiting our plumber to return tomorrow to replace our water heater. On Saturday we noticed that the top of the heater had popped up. The foam insulation inside has risen like a soufflé or it's like when you pop open a tube of Pillsbury cinnamon buns and the dough explodes out. We are just hoping that it will make it through the day. Talk about waiting until the last possible moment to replace it is sort of like when you are trying to find out where empty really is on your gas gage.
As a quick update, the new water tank is outside as the plumber/electrician tries to disconnect the old one. There seems to be a wiring issues. Just like on tv, something always comes up when you renovate old homes. congés d'été. I might not get to enjoy it until March on our return in the spring.

We have also heard back from the contractor who may do our new deck out the back garden but at €2000 ($3000) we might have to do some creative bookkeeping to create our grand plans. On checking on-line we fount that the quote is within reason for a 19 square metre or 200 square foot deck. That will be a late August project as the contractor is off to the Ukraine for holidays, and lumber yard doesn't open from

The garden from the balcony.
We have been busy in the garden as the tomatoes are ripening along with the peppers. We have bought a few more bedding plants for the pots, and we even have two gladiolas that are blooming later than the rest of the bulbs that I planted last year.

Now that we have reached the four week mark, almost half way through my summer, we have plotted our our plans for August, still leaving some time for you last minute travellers. Also for you last minute travellers, please pack a jar or two of green relish. Our supply is running out.  You might want to check out for some good deals.Yesterday we did stock up on a few things such as a box of wine and a box of sangria and barbeque meats for next few days. The goal is to not walk to the grocery store for the next 3 days. A chance to empty the frigo of all the left overs and odds and ends. We had homemade hamburger patties last night, and have beef and lamb kabobs and fish to add to the leftover moules. Needless to say we are not starving.
Ground cover
We have 5 days in Paris starting August 7, and we have booked the local rental car for two periods of time later in August when we return to do some local running about. Now that it is only €9 a day it is great way to have a car and get around. Walking is great, but the car gives a bit more freedom.
Looking back up to the house.

Garden and deck from the balcony


New plant in garden

The tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers

Steve's Hollyhocks just getting started. Tune back next summer.


Mary MP said...

Love it all... I feel relaxed just reading this...minus heater issue. Planning construction and getting it done is always satisfying vicariously :-))

Sh said...

Ah, simple pleasures. Have you thought of a flagstone or brick patio? Just wondering. Loving the garden and the relaxed lifestyle. We are looking to enjoy your Canadian place in a week or so. So lovely. I didn't realize you had kitties over there, perhaps why we have heard less about the goats this year? Big hugs to you both, wish we were just down the street, so could drop in to visit. Hugs.

sun said...

You make it soooo tempting to dash on over! I am in L.A. right now, leaving tomorrow for home. Not sure for how long, though. Take care! I'll be in touch!