Wednesday, July 23, 2008

If it's Wednesday, it must be Ireland

Well I have arrived in Dublin. After a short flight from London, I arrived in Dublin this afternoon. Weather is still holding up, and it was a sunny afternoon. I took the bus tour of the city to get an overview of the main sights in Dublin. Then it was off to find the perfect pint of Guinness. I dicovered that there is the local Guinness and the tourist Guinness. The only difference is about 1 euro, or about $1.60. Had a couple of pints in the famous Temple Bar. Tommorrow it is the main sights in Dublin, which I won't be able to see them all in the two days I have here in Dublin. Then on Friday, I begin my tour. I hope you have been able to click on the link and see the 65 pictures of Victoria and London. I will upload the gallery when I get a chance. Hope everyone who is reading this, and I hope someone is reaing this, is fine. Love to hear some comments. Well till the next time.


artfart said...

Me again, looking forward to Ireland photos, have fun, eat and drink lots. Miss you still.

Vern and Steve in France said...

Thanks for the comment, will be seeing you guys soon. Have a great weekend with Evie and Kevin.