Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It is now Tuesday morning. I made it to London without any problems, the flight was even 30 minutes early. Spent yesterday afternoon wandering around the neighbourhood and up to Hampstead. After a light dinner and a pint in the pub here in the hostel it was off to an early night to try to catch up on the sleep I missed on the plane. This morning the sun is shinning and it will be hot. The weather for our last few times has been very warm.

Today I will be wandering around London and maybe off to Royal Albert Hall to a Proms concert this evening. Tomorrow is another travel day to Dublin. Latter this afternoon I will try to upload some of my pictures to this site. Hope it will all work.

Till Later



trudy said...

I want to see what your hostel looked like on the INSIDE. The outside was such a beautiful old building. What does the inside of the building look like? How many people are sleeping in one room? Also, I couldn't see any 'fountain' in your pictures of princess diana's fountain. Is it just a ring with water running through it? When will we see pictures of Dublin. Stay safe...

Vern and Steve in France said...

Trudy: thanks for the comment. i'm glad someone is reading all this. there really isn't a "fountain". The water bubbles up at the top of the hill like a spring and then runs down the two sides to a pool at the bottom. I will take some more pictures when i return to london next week. Heading out this am to take pictures of Dublin today. will post them asap.

artfart said...

Hey Vern, apparently you do have to register with google/blogger, so this is my 5th time posting a comment, this one should stick. Glad to hear you are having a great time, looking forward to seeing more photos of Ireland, also glad that your accommodations are working out, not sure I'd want to share one bathroom with 8 guys, hope you brought matches, ha ha. Miss you, wish I was there toooo! Love me (artfart)! xxooxx