Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Summer Begins

Well you don't have to travel to exotic places to see beautiful scenery. On Canada Day, we went to Deep Cove, BC to kayak up Indian Arm.( ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from Inuit qayaq so a very traditonal way to spend Canada Day). It was a beautiful day and the sea started out calm. We had the kayaks for 4 hours, so we planned to paddle up about 2 hours and then 2 hours back. Well it was a beautiful 2 hour trip up the west coast of Indian Arm seeing the scenery and the beautiful houses build along the shore. We stopped for a bit at a waterfront park and then it was time to head back to Deep Cove. Steve and I started out first, finding the wind and tide were against us. We put our heads down and paddled as hard as we could. Little did we know that Evie was having trouble with the wind and tide and eventually flipped her kayak. It was a good thing she was listening the safety lecture about tearing her apron away when you flip over so you can get out of the kayak. A boat came to the rescue and they were taken to shore, where a group of senior canoers were waiting out the wind and tide. They offered Kevin and Evie to stay with them for a while and kayak back down the coast when the tide was in, and not so much a challenge. By this time we were around the next point and just assumed all was well. When we had made it past the worst of the weather and sea, we rested and waited, and waited, and waited and still no Kevin or Evie. We decided to continue back to the cove, because we thought that if they were having trouble, there were lots of boats around to help. After settling down, Evie got back in her kayak and began to kayak home. They were about 1 hour behind us. So all's well that ends well. We have learnt our lesson about kayaking, "Always give yourself more time to kayak home."

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