Thursday, July 9, 2009


Well it's hard to believe that it's already Thursday, and we end the first phase of our holiday tomorrow morning. We have had a great visit with Steve's mum, sister and cousins here in Waterloo. With a side trip up to Toronto on Tuesday, we have been having a great time visiting, eating and drinking, and before I forget, playing cards. Even with the garbage strike, Toronto was still worth a day visit. I saw the newly designed Art Gallery of Ontario. It has a good collection of European art, and a great collection of Canadian art. Well worth a visit. The new entrance and facade is magnificent. After a few hours and lunch in a pub across the street, the Village Idiot pub, I walked up to Bloor Street to see the new entrance to the Royal Ontario Museum. It is quite stunning. I didn't go in, but did pick up a new ruler to add to my collection. This was the rulers of the Egyptian World. From there, it was a stroll down Younge Street, and a quick beer in a pub near the bus station. It was only a quick visit, but I still like Toronto. Would have loved to spend more time and maybe caught a show, or headed out to the island. This morning we got up and went to the St. Jacobs Farmers Market. It is a must see for anyone visiting this area. We will have to make sure we support our local farmers market when we get home in hopes that they may grow into something like this. It is great opportunity to buy local produce, baking, crafts, food and socks. Also, it is still amazing to see the Mennonites in their horse and buggies, as they co-exist in the modern world. You still have to pull out to pass them and their buggies on the rural side roads. Tomorrow we board Via Rail for a trip to Quebec City. Got news today that my brother Ed will be joining us next week in New York. It will be great to show him the sites. Well off to Quebec City.

Don't forget to click on our link to our pictures.

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