Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bastille Day

We sit here on the afternoon before Bastille Day, July 14. I was busy in the garden this morning clearing out even more weeds and overgrowth. I think our neighbour was getting upset with our weeds seeding his vegetable garden. It was a big improvement out there, but you can't really see the difference. The "lawn" area is still not centre court at Wimbledon, and probably will never be, but each day there are a few less weeds to go to seed. The gardens are looking better and our vegetable garden is showing some life now with our cucumbers and lettuce beginning to sprout. It won't be much of a salad bar, but it is the first time I have tried to grow vegetables. Friday, I will buy a pack of wild flower seeds, to fill in the back garden with some more colours. 
Le Lavoir in Alloue

It seems quiet now in Bellac, as the Euro 2016 is over, too bad about France losing to Portugal, as is the arts festival. With this in mind, we began to plan a few trips away. Also, now that my brother Harold and his wife, Tanya are off the to Caribbean instead of the Mediterranean, we have some time on our hands. Carcassonne, a medieval village and then Narbonne on the Mediterranean for a few days. Later in August, we are off to Bayeux to visit the D-Day beaches along the English Channel. 

For the past two days we rented a car from the local grocery store. Monday brought back memories of our drives through the French countryside discovering quaint and interesting villages and towns. Nanteuil en Vallee, Confolens, and St. Germain de Confolens were great stops with different ambiances to offer the tourist. We started in a village called Alloue. The town has a great little pâtisserie where we got a pastry for our picnic lunch. All of this was within about 50 kms of Bellac; new and interesting places to visit.

Steve and hollyhocks
We also used the car to stock up on the heavy and bulky types of groceries such as two cases of Steve's infamous sparkling wine (champagne) for 1.32 per bottle, a few boxes of wine, case of beer, just the essentials. We bought a few new chairs, some glasses and a fire screen at the Maximum, a used furniture and house.We finished the two days with a trip out to the east of the city and discovered a new local chateau
and an artist village, Rancon. We had been through the village before, but never have stopped. There are several artists studios and a new bar. 

Chateau Drouilles
An update to a March story, I
just got back my bank card which was eaten by the local bank machine on the first time I tried to use it. Credit Mutual has a great web site where you email your bank manager, and the team got me the new card, and my new PIN number which I got correct this time and all is good.

Tonight we are hosting a fireworks party. Linda and Andrew, our neighbours and house sitters are coming over along with 2 of their friends. Here in Bellac they have the fireworks on Bastille Day eve, around 10:30 tonight. It was a great show and one a major city would be proud of, and not just a small town in central France. Even better it was all right off our balcony. A great night was had by all. Plan now for next years spectacular by booking with us very soon. 



Unknown said...

Keep the stories coming! Glad your fireworks party was fun. Evie and Kevin are just about here, so if you feel like people are talking about you, we probably are, LOL. Wishing we were there. Hugs.

Mary MP said...

Loving the updates... Thanks Vern. Karen and Peter (very good friends from Bellingham) have moved to to Nezignion L'eveque permanently. It's close to Carcassonne. Let me know if you might be heading that way. I can arrange an internet introduction :-))