Thursday, July 9, 2009


Well it's hard to believe that it's already Thursday, and we end the first phase of our holiday tomorrow morning. We have had a great visit with Steve's mum, sister and cousins here in Waterloo. With a side trip up to Toronto on Tuesday, we have been having a great time visiting, eating and drinking, and before I forget, playing cards. Even with the garbage strike, Toronto was still worth a day visit. I saw the newly designed Art Gallery of Ontario. It has a good collection of European art, and a great collection of Canadian art. Well worth a visit. The new entrance and facade is magnificent. After a few hours and lunch in a pub across the street, the Village Idiot pub, I walked up to Bloor Street to see the new entrance to the Royal Ontario Museum. It is quite stunning. I didn't go in, but did pick up a new ruler to add to my collection. This was the rulers of the Egyptian World. From there, it was a stroll down Younge Street, and a quick beer in a pub near the bus station. It was only a quick visit, but I still like Toronto. Would have loved to spend more time and maybe caught a show, or headed out to the island. This morning we got up and went to the St. Jacobs Farmers Market. It is a must see for anyone visiting this area. We will have to make sure we support our local farmers market when we get home in hopes that they may grow into something like this. It is great opportunity to buy local produce, baking, crafts, food and socks. Also, it is still amazing to see the Mennonites in their horse and buggies, as they co-exist in the modern world. You still have to pull out to pass them and their buggies on the rural side roads. Tomorrow we board Via Rail for a trip to Quebec City. Got news today that my brother Ed will be joining us next week in New York. It will be great to show him the sites. Well off to Quebec City.

Don't forget to click on our link to our pictures.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Summer Begins

Well you don't have to travel to exotic places to see beautiful scenery. On Canada Day, we went to Deep Cove, BC to kayak up Indian Arm.( ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from Inuit qayaq so a very traditonal way to spend Canada Day). It was a beautiful day and the sea started out calm. We had the kayaks for 4 hours, so we planned to paddle up about 2 hours and then 2 hours back. Well it was a beautiful 2 hour trip up the west coast of Indian Arm seeing the scenery and the beautiful houses build along the shore. We stopped for a bit at a waterfront park and then it was time to head back to Deep Cove. Steve and I started out first, finding the wind and tide were against us. We put our heads down and paddled as hard as we could. Little did we know that Evie was having trouble with the wind and tide and eventually flipped her kayak. It was a good thing she was listening the safety lecture about tearing her apron away when you flip over so you can get out of the kayak. A boat came to the rescue and they were taken to shore, where a group of senior canoers were waiting out the wind and tide. They offered Kevin and Evie to stay with them for a while and kayak back down the coast when the tide was in, and not so much a challenge. By this time we were around the next point and just assumed all was well. When we had made it past the worst of the weather and sea, we rested and waited, and waited, and waited and still no Kevin or Evie. We decided to continue back to the cove, because we thought that if they were having trouble, there were lots of boats around to help. After settling down, Evie got back in her kayak and began to kayak home. They were about 1 hour behind us. So all's well that ends well. We have learnt our lesson about kayaking, "Always give yourself more time to kayak home."

Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer 2009


Leave Vancouver: Friday, July 3/09
Arrive Toronto/Waterloo: Saturday, July 4,/09 (Happy Birthday Tanya!)
Leave Waterloo: Friday, July 10/09 - Arrive Quebec City: Friday, July 10/09
Leave Quebec City: Tuesday, July 14, 09
Leave Montreal: Wednesday, July 15/09 - Arrive New York City: Wednesday, July 15/09
Leave New York: Sunday, July 19/09 (Steve only)
Leave New York: Thursday, July 23/09 (Vern only)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wandering in Oxfordshire

Yesterday we settled into the Old Farm house here in Shillingford. Laundry, groceries, and a peaceful afternoon in the back garden. Today, we went wandering along the walking trails along the Thames River. We climbed up to the Castle Hill and Round Hill up the the Wittenham Clumps. After the long walk, we stopped in an old pub for lunch in a village called Dorcester. We arrived back in Shillingford after a 5 hour walk.

Tomorrow is a day trip into London. I hope everyone is well and you are welcome to comment on the blog, or email me to say you have read it.


Saturday, August 2, 2008


How quickly times flies. It is now Saturday morning and its raining in London. No big surprise for this summer. For all the rest of you who may read this before you depart, come prepared for rain, sun , showers, clouds etc.. At least it is not a heat wave like last trip. Temperatures will be in the low 20's for the next few days.

Yesterday was a travel day, with everything in delay. My flight was over an hour late leaving Dublin, the traffic was bad getting in from the airport, the coach ahead of us was in a small accident, so we had to stop and pick up the passengers. Later on my way to Royal Albert Hall for the Proms Concert, the circle tube line was very backed up and didn't have time for dinner before the show.

At the concert, I met a replacement Ethel ( not that you could ever really replace Ethel). We had a great time chatting before the concert and at intermission. It made for a great experience.

Said goodbye to the last of my travel buddies at the airport in Dublin. Katie and I met for a drink before her flight to Edinburgh. Earlier I had breakfast with Angus, and I saw a few others on a street corner in Dublin as my bus to the airport went by.

Today will be some shopping, cleaning up my pack and if the rain keeps up, maybe a gallery or two.

Tomorrow morning I will be up early and off to Gatwick to pick up Steve, Evie and Kevin, and then we are off for my part two of the trip in Shillingford. I hope there is a laundry near by....

Cheers from London

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back in Dublin

Well our 6 day tour is now over. The tears have been cried and we all promise to keep in touch.....

Today we kissed the Blarney Stone in Blarney Castle, and took a horse cart ride in Kilarney National Park. Yesterday, it rained all day, so our trip was a little damp. I was ringing out my socks on the bus to try to help. We made it to Dingle Peninsula, the most westerly point in Europe.

Oh, the highlight of the day was the Guinness Tour and the free pint in their bar.

Well off to get some dinner and an early night tonight, but I have said that a few times this past week. Will hope to update some more pictures when I get to London on the weekend. Also, will get some weather forecasts for everyone who is coming over next week to help in your packing.



Sunday, July 27, 2008

Northern Ireland/Galway

Well it is now Sunday evening and we are in Galway, back in the Republic of Ireland. It was amazing to see both Derry and Belfast. Even with the peace, you can still see the reminders of the divide between the two religons. After a mix up at the hostels, we had to stay in a very low class place. Even the seasoned travelors felt that it was the worst hostel they had stayed in. Tonight we are in a great place and the feeling on the tour has changed 180 degrees. We had a great tour today of Yeat's grave, an afternoon on the beach and a nice drive from Belfast to Galway. Tonight we are all pitching in for a group dinner here in the hostel, and then out to take advantage of the party town of Galway. The hostel is right in the centre of town. Well while I am updating the blog, I am updating my gallery. Check out the 220 new pictures. It will take a while to get the captions written, but I will do my best.

Till later Vern